Hakkasan Shanghai Closes, Cites COVID-19


Hakkasan Shanghai announces closure, citing COVID-19 as the main reason. The Bund’s premier Cantonese fine dining venue closed its doors on April 13, 2020.

The statement below from a PR representative:

The impact of COVID-19 on our global operations has forced us to evaluate the viability of our venues and make a number of prudent yet difficult business decisions to reduce our footprint. To preserve the long-term stability of our business, we plan to permanently close Hakkasan Shanghai effective Monday April 13. This decision will enable us to reduce our portfolio and focus on the remaining venues. We remain committed to crafting remarkable experiences for our guests and look forward to welcoming them back to our other worldwide properties once they are safe to reopen.

此次疫情直接影响了本集团的全球业务,迫使我们对所属各营业场所未来的生存及发展空间进行了一系列专业的评估。经过了各种谨慎商讨及权衡,为了更好的维护集团各业务板块的长期稳定,我们做出了缩减世界各地覆盖点这样艰难的商业决策。按照集团规划,Hakkasan 上海即于2020年4月13日(周一)起永久歇业。我们的蓝图上虽因此次决定而少了一颗明珠,但集团仍将不遗余力地专注于其它各场所的运营,致力为我们的客人打造多样的非凡体验。并期许在疫情平稳过渡后,能于集团遍布在世界各地的其它驻点再次恭候各位的光临。

It’s a great loss, and an absolute damn shame.

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